Everything is Energy – 1 week of curiosity. Do you want to join? ARE YOU READY FOR A 1 WEEK SUMMER CHALLENGE?
“Challenge” is in reality a misleading word, because it is more about 1 week of curiosity – The theme being ENERGY.
If you say yes to be curious for a week with focus on Energy and yourself, I would be so bold as to say that it is impossible for you to not learn anything about yourself, others and the world – you can participate no matter if you are on holiday, working or simply at home.
The only thing you need to do is Observing and be Curious. You do not need to fix anything or anyone. Do nothing, don’t be physically active or judge yourself and others. You must have the intention to be curious about the mindset: Everything Is Energy
Are you up for the challenge? – Here goes:
Do you want to be curious for 1 week?
The week is about observing and being curious about = Everything is Energy and Has a Vibration.
If you are up for it, then the week starts NOW!
Isn’t it great? You have already started 😀
Try to say: “This week, I experience everything as energy. I am observing without judging myself or others.”
Ex: When you wake up in the morning, you observe your energy. Is it high or low, or maybe something in between?
- Every time you are together with other people – be curious: How do I experience the energy when together with X, Y, and Z?
- When you meet in at work, or at breakfast with your family on holiday – How is the atmosphere/Energy?
- How do I experience the atmosphere/energy in this store, with this costumer, or at X’s house?
- I observe curiously how I experience the energy with the work task I’m doing now – the outing I’m going on with my family today, etc. etc..
If you suddenly realize that you are judging yourself or others instead of neutrally observing, you will kindly remind yourself – “It’s good that it came to my attention that I’m judging” – And then just redirect your focus to being curious again. (#KeepItSimple)
Everything Is Energy And Is Vibrating From A Source.
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I will invite you to spend 5 min. reflecting on these 2 questions:
*Which energy took up most of my mind today, and how did it affect me?
*Which energy did I experience as the best, and how did this energy affect me?
REMEMBER you don’t need to fix anything, simply reflect and observe curiously.
I will invite you to sit down with a glass of wine/beer/coffee/tea/water and reflect on the week you just finished. Feel free to get inspired by the following questions:
*What has made the biggest impression on me during this week?
*How have I experienced this week from the mindset “Everything Is Energy”? (How have I experienced energies and atmospheres/moods in relation to myself and together with others)
*Which opportunities will it give me if I choose to make more conscious decisions which raises my energy?
*Which opportunities will it give me if I choose to make more conscious decisions when I experience things which drains my energy?
Week is finished. It is really interesting what you have gained from this experience and what you choose to use it for.
OH BY THE WAY. You are welcome to invite wives, husbands, significant others, colleagues, your boss -Well anybody you want to join being-curious-for-a-week. It is always exciting if more people go with curiosity and without judgement 😉
May you have a wonderful Summer!
/Sanne Toft
NB: The things I’m going to mention is purely based on my own experience. Only take what resonates with you from this post and leave the rest. You are on your own journey, and only you know what is best for yourself.
Mighty Networks. HeartSimpleFun Leadership – Sanne Toft